Book best doctor Audiology in Cairo

Choose from the best doctors in the speciality of Audiology in Cairo and find out the doctor's experience, ratings, and fees.

Patients FAQ

How to book a doctor FAQ

Browse the best audiologists on, see patients reviews, see clinic features and services and book your appointment.
Go to Choose speciality audiology and city, filter results and choose a doctor with a suitable booking fee for you.
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  2. Choose your city.
  3. Choose your area.
  4. Click the search button.
CliniDo helps you to find the best audiologist in your area with the proper price. Browse and see reviews of previous patients that went through the whole experience
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  1. Choose a specialty (audiology).
  2. Choose the best audiologist with reasonable booking fees near you.
  3. Enter the required data.
  4. You will get a booking confirmation.
Follow these instructions:
  1. Choose a specialty (audiology).
  2. Choose the best audiologist according to previous reviews.
  3. Enter your Name & phone number.
  4. You will receive a confirmation sms & notification on CliniDo app.

Medical topics FAQ

Yes, an audiologist treats balance and hearing diseases and determines severity and type of hearing loss and helps in rehabilitation of hearing impaired patients.
audiologist balance and hearing diseases and determines the severity and type of hearing loss and helps in the rehabilitation of hearing-impaired patients.
Audiology diseases includes:
  1. Balance and hearing diseases
  2. Rehabilitation of hearing impaired patients.
It is the surgical procedure to reconstruct the eardrum or the small bones of the middle ear.
It takes from 2 to 3 hours. One or more of the three tiny bones in the middle ear are removed, replaced, or repaired.
Symptoms of otitis media include ear pain, fatigue, and loss of balance.
It is an audiological test that does not require patient responses, so it is for children and adults.
There are two types of hearing loss: sensory hearing loss (SNHL), which is due to a problem in the nerves or there is something in the ear that prevents the sound from reaching and is treated surgically.