Book best doctor General Practice in Assiut City

Choose from the best doctors in the speciality of General Practice in Assiut City and find out the doctor's experience, ratings, and fees.

Patients FAQ

How to book a doctor FAQ

Browse the best general practitioner on, see patients reviews, see clinic features and services and book your appointment.
Go to Choose speciality general practice and city, filter results and choose a doctor with a suitable booking fee for you.
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  1. Choose a specialty (general practice).
  2. Choose your city.
  3. Choose your area.
  4. Click the search button.
CliniDo helps you to find the best general practitioner in your area with the proper price. Browse and see reviews of previous patients that went through the whole experience
Go to
  1. Choose a specialty (general practice).
  2. Choose the best general practitioner with reasonable booking fees near you.
  3. Enter the required data.
  4. You will get a booking confirmation.
Follow these instructions:
  1. Choose a specialty (general practice).
  2. Choose the best general practitioner according to previous reviews.
  3. Enter your Name & phone number.
  4. You will receive a confirmation sms & notification on CliniDo app.

Medical topics FAQ

General Practice treats different diseases including flu, cough, nausea and chronic diseases, focusing on the overall health of the patient, physical, psychological and social health
General practitioners treat different diseases including flu, cough, nausea and chronic diseases, focusing on the overall health of the patient, physical, psychological and social health
The first aid for angina includes:
  1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
  2. Getting rest with no effort.
  3. Raising the head during sleep.
  4. Take some medications.
Symptoms of high blood pressure do not appear in most people, but some patients appear mild headaches - dizziness - unusually bleeding from the nose.