Book best doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart) present 48-Hour heart rate monitoring in El kattameya

Choose from the best doctors in the speciality of Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart) in El kattameya and find out the doctor's experience, ratings, and fees.

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  1. Choose a specialty (cardiology).
  2. Choose the best cardiologist according to previous reviews.
  3. Enter your Name & phone number.
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Medical topics FAQ

Cardiovascular pathologies treat cardiovascular diseases, arrhythmia, cardiac muscle weakness, cardiovascular congenital defects, heart valve disease, coronary artery disease and aorta dilation.
Cardiologists treat cardiovascular diseases, arrhythmia, cardiac muscle weakness, cardiovascular congenital defects, heart valve disease, coronary artery disease and aorta dilation.
An electrocardiogram helps the physician determine the overall health of your heart and uncover the cause of any chest pain.
The difference is that an exercise electrocardiogram (ECG) records your heart's response to the stress of exercise through moving on the treadmill, and the blood pressure is measured during the ECG and activity.
Shortness of breath, rapid heartbeats, and chest pain that can lead to angina are common symptoms of cardiovascular diseases.
If fluid accumulates around the heart, surgical intervention is necessary at that point in time.
Swelling occurs when fluids accumulate, typically because the heart muscle is weak in pumping blood effectively. This condition is related to the field of cardiology.
The most important thing is to reduce the intake of unhealthy salts and fats. Avoiding alcoholic beverages is essential. It's crucial to be mindful of high blood pressure, monitor cholesterol levels, and keep track of blood sugar.