Book best doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart) in Imbaba
Choose from the best doctors in the speciality of Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart) in Imbaba and find out the doctor's experience, ratings, and fees.
Ahmed A Azooz
Consultant of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
Consultant Dermatology and venerology for 18 years Quality hospital master degree
Specialist of
Cardiology and Vascular Disease (Heart)
It is a governmental university hospital affiliated with Ain Shams University. It is located in Cairo, specifically in Abbasiya 56 Ramses St. - behind Al-Nour Mosque. It is a medical edifice that aims to develop health and treatment services in the region, as it provides health services in the surgical departments, and includes many medical departments specialized in surgery. In addition to the emergency department, which receives all emergency cases on all days of the week and around the clock. The hospital rooms are equipped to receive all patients and provide health care for them by a group of doctors, consultants and specialists from various medical specialties
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The difference is that an exercise electrocardiogram (ECG) records your heart's response to the stress of exercise through moving on the treadmill, and the blood pressure is measured during the ECG and activity.
Swelling occurs when fluids accumulate, typically because the heart muscle is weak in pumping blood effectively. This condition is related to the field of cardiology.
The most important thing is to reduce the intake of unhealthy salts and fats. Avoiding alcoholic beverages is essential. It's crucial to be mindful of high blood pressure, monitor cholesterol levels, and keep track of blood sugar.