Book best doctor Ophthalmology (Eyes) in El-Werdeyan

Choose from the best doctors in the speciality of Ophthalmology (Eyes) in El-Werdeyan and find out the doctor's experience, ratings, and fees.

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Browse the best ophthalmologist on, see patients reviews, see clinic features and services and book your appointment.
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CliniDo helps you to find the best ophthalmologist in your area with the proper price. Browse and see reviews of previous patients that went through the whole experience
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  2. Choose the best ophthalmologist with reasonable booking fees near you.
  3. Enter the required data.
  4. You will get a booking confirmation.
Follow these instructions:
  1. Choose a specialty (ophthalmology).
  2. Choose the best ophthalmologist according to previous reviews.
  3. Enter your Name & phone number.
  4. You will receive a confirmation sms & notification on CliniDo app.

Medical topics FAQ

Ophthalmology corrects vision problems using glasses and contact lenses, ophthalmic surgery, cataract operations, keratoconus stabilization, funduscopy, laser vision correction procedures, cornea transplant, retinal detachment, vitreous procedures, bulging eyes.
Ophthalmologists correct vision problems using glasses and contact lenses, ophthalmic surgery, cataract operations, keratoconus stabilization, funduscopy, laser vision correction procedures, cornea transplant, retinal detachment, vitreous procedures, bulging eyes.
A cataract is not dangerous, but the danger is the failure of the operation, as infections occur in the eye.
Depending on how much of your retina is detached and what type of retinal detachment you have, your eye doctor may recommend laser surgery, freezing treatment, or other types of surgery to fix any tears or breaks in your retina and reattach your retina to the back of your eye.
The most important symptoms of dry eyes are redness in the eyes and high sensitivity to light with itching..
We should wash our hands before touching our eyes, drink plenty of water, and include eggs, fish, and beans in our diet to guard against eye allergies.
While there is no cure, if we detect the disease at an early stage, there are treatments and surgeries that can help prevent blindness or vision loss.