Book best doctor Geriatrics (Old People Health) in Housh Eissa
Choose from the best doctors in the speciality of Geriatrics (Old People Health) in Housh Eissa and find out the doctor's experience, ratings, and fees.
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geriatrics treat different diseases related to health care for the elderly including Alzheimer's, memory problems, old age depression, osteoporosis and arthritis, rehabilitation for fracture patients, sleep disorders for the elderly.
Geriatrics treat different diseases related to health care for the elderly including Alzheimer's, memory problems, old age depression, osteoporosis and arthritis, rehabilitation for fracture patients, sleep disorders for the elderly.
The symptoms of Alzheimer's include increased memory loss and confusion, inability to perform routine tasks, problems with speech, and difficulty organizing thoughts and thinking logically.
The treatment of arthritis is anti-inflammatory creams, and in case the disease progresses, it can be treated with local injections, such as plasma injections.