Book best doctor Andrology and Male infertility in Shibin El Kom

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Medical topics FAQ

Yes, Andrology & Male Infertility concerned with the health of the male reproductive system, including male infertility, speed of ejaculation and the inability to erect.
Andrology & Male Infertilityconcerned with the health of the male reproductive system, including male infertility, speed of ejaculation and the inability to erect.
It is a male hormone that plays a crucial role in fertility and muscle growth.
The treatment of premature ejaculation is a regular diet and visiting an andrologist help the condition to discover if there are other problems.
Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction include depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health conditions, and there may also be physical causes such as heart disease.
A minor surgery treats varicocele, and there is no risk.
The urologist is responsible for treating diseases of the urinary system for men and women, but the andrologist treats diseases that affect the male reproductive system.
A dermatologist treats skin diseases, including diseases that affect the reproductive organs and are transmitted sexually
In some cases, varicocele is caused by weak blood vessels in the testicle, which can lead to erectile dysfunction due to reduced blood supply to the penis.
Research has not proven a relationship between varicocele and premature ejaculation.
The patient can have sexual intercourse two or three weeks after the procedure if it is performed surgically.
Yes, because varicocele does not prevent marriage and sexual relations, but it may prevent childbearing because it may negatively affect the number of sperm and reduce their production.
Male implants are a method for treating erectile dysfunction in men, including two types: flexible and hydraulic.
A microscopic testicular sample is taken using a small needle through the scrotum to extract sperm if there is no sperm in the semen analysis.
Testosterone deficiency in men causes many symptoms, including:
  • Depression and feeling tired.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Poor memory.
  • Decrease the sexual desire.
  • Erectile dysfunction and low sperm count.
  • Loss of bone and muscle mass and increased body fat.
  • Fertility problems and delayed childbearing.