Book best doctor Cardiology and Thoracic Surgery (Heart / Chest) present Ergometric test in Nasser
Choose from the best doctors in the speciality of Cardiology and Thoracic Surgery (Heart / Chest) in Nasser and find out the doctor's experience, ratings, and fees.
CliniDo helps you to find best cardiothoracic surgeons in your area with the proper price.Browse and see reviews of previous patients and have the full experience.
A cardiothoracic surgeon treats cardiac and thoracic diseases through surgery including open heart surgeries, coronary arterial surgeries, heart valve change, aorta surgeries, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lung tumors, chest injuries and esophagus surgeries.
Coronary artery bypass surgery using a catheter is a common procedure in heart surgery to improve blood flow to the heart. It is a safe procedure, but like any surgery, some complications can occur, such as bleeding or damage of blood vessels from the catheter.
Open-heart surgery takes about 3-6 hours, depending on the patient's condition, and the doctor completely anaesthetises the patient during the procedure.
The success rate of the operation reaches 98% of cases, but some complications may occur, including bleeding, infection, clots, and irregular heartbeat in some patients, but this improves with time, and the patient may need a pacemaker.