Book best doctor Obesity and Laparoscopic Surgery present Gastric bypass surgery in Mallawi

Choose from the best doctors in the speciality of Obesity and Laparoscopic Surgery in Mallawi and find out the doctor's experience, ratings, and fees.

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Medical topics FAQ

Yes, a bariatric & laparoscopic surgeon treats stomach gastric bypass or stomach balloon, stomach bariatric surgery and other obesity problems through surgery and laparoscopy in modern ways also lap chole, lap appendectomy and digestive surgeries.
A bariatric & laparoscopic surgeon treats obesity problems through surgery and laparoscopy in modern ways, in the form of stomach gastric bypass or stomach balloon, stomach bariatric surgery, lap chole, lap appendectomy and digestive surgeries.
Bariatric & laparoscopic procedures such as:
  1. Stomach gastric bypass
  2. Stomach balloon
  3. Stomach bariatric
  4. Lap chole
  5. Lap appendectomy
  6. Digestive procedures
A surgeon removes the lower part of the stomach, which reduces the size of the small intestine and helps to lose weight and keep the body shape.
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) is a type of weight-loss surgery. The surgeon puts an adjustable band around the top part of the stomach. It creates a small stomach pouch. The small stomach pouch means that you feel full after eating less food.
Surgeons remove a part of the stomach, and its size is reduced, thus reducing the amount of food that enters the stomach.
It removes a small fat build-up. This process permanently removes fat cells from your body. It is much less painful.